
Contributing to grid stability with smart charging and benefiting from discounts?

Charging discount: a pioneering project for balancing energy in the e-car sector picks up speed!

On May 14, 2024, the official kick-off of the "Laderabatt" project took place in Zurich. Organized by CLEMAP, this project aims to revolutionize electric mobility through innovative charging stations and optimized energy use. Pascal Kienast from CLEMAP chaired the event, which took place at Otto Fischer.

Project content

As part of the charging discount project, CLEMAP's current technical infrastructure, including its load management, is being used to offer charging discounts to operators of public and visitor parking lots. Electric cars are an important alternative to fossil-fueled vehicles, but cost is a crucial factor in times of rising electricity costs. The project aims to overcome this hurdle.

By bundling charging points into a pool, their freely available power can be offered as flexibility on the balancing energy market via the energy service provider BKW. The charging point operators receive financial compensation for the flexibility (yes, cash!). Electric car users who charge at their destination can plug in their car and benefit from discounted conditions.

The project will run for two years and is 40% supported by SwissEnergy as part of the LadenPunkt program.


Electric cars are often connected to a charging station, but are not charged for the entire time (see Figure 1). This is an opportunity for the "charging discount" project. By adjusting the charging profile over the connection time, we maximize the switchable power and can make use of the previously unused connected phase of the electric car. The switchable power can be offered as balancing energy. In contrast to bidirectionality, no power is fed back into the grid from the car battery, but the charging profile is intelligently and optimally adapted with the help of CLEMAP's dynamic charging management.

Figure 1: Example charging infrastructure: The charging phases are in green, the times when the vehicle is only connected are in gray.

Who is going?

The project is supported by a consortium that brings in different perspectives and contributions:

CLEMAP: Carries out the technical implementation and management of the project.

ZHAW - INE: Responsible for user characterization and scientific monitoring.

Otto Fischer: Provides a location for the implementation of the project.

BKW: Connects the system to the balancing energy market and markets the flexibility.

City of Winterthur: Brings in the perspective of the city and municipal utilities.

Cooperation between the partners ensures that technical, economic and social aspects of the project are taken into account.


CLEMAP customers (but also new customers) can contact us to connect their charging infrastructure for pilot purposes as part of this project.


We are pleased to show with our pilot project how intelligent charging can contribute to grid stability and how electric car drivers can benefit from discounted conditions!


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