CHF 460EUR 490
excl. VAT

Energy monitoring made easy

The CLEMAP Energy Monitor energy measuring device takes over full-scale electricity monitoring for SMEs, industry and commercial properties.

It is the simplest and most reliable energy monitoring system that can be easily integrated into your infrastructure without interrupting operations.

Your advantages

  • Basis for increasing energy efficiency
    Get immediate transparency in energy consumption of your consumers
  • Cost efficiency
    Enables savings of 10-50% on energy costs depending on your installations
  • Non-invasive current measurement
    No interruption of production necessary during installation
  • Flexibly expandable
    Integration of any number of measuring points and additional functions
  • Fast commissioning
    Installation and activation within a few hours

The CLEMAP Energy Monitor consists of two components:

CLEMAP Energy Monitor

Current meter

A 3-phase electrical sensor with three current transformers (or Rogowski coils) for measuring your energy consumption. Depending on the connected load, there are different versions of the electricity meters.

Order number
Product designation
CLEMAP Energy Monitor 80A*
CLEMAP Energy Monitor 125A
CLEMAP Energy Monitor 200A*
CLEMAP Energy Monitor 400A*
CLEMAP Energy Monitor 1000A
CLEMAP Energy Monitor 2000A
CLEMAP Energy Monitor 6000A

* Standard versions

CLEMAP Floem for dynamic load management

Energy monitoring software

Measuring points can be added via CLEMAP Floem and the energy consumption data is immediately visible.

The most important functions are included free of charge as standard with the "FREE" licence. Further functions such as monthly reporting, measuring point comparisons, PDF and csv exports, warning messages, etc. are available with a paid licence.

Energy consumption optimization from CHF 460.58 excl.Energy consumption optimization from EUR 460.58 excl.

The price includes the meter, cloud access and access to the Floem energy portal.


  • Set-up and commissioning without switching off your equipment
  • View real-time voltage, current, active and reactive power data in intuitive online dashboard
  • Extract from reporting via online portal
  • Manual settlement for administrations
  • Various Smart Factory and Smart Building functionalities for expansion

Further information

Installation requirements
  • Smartphone or laptop to activate the CLEMAP product. No special knowledge required for programming or activation.
  • Sufficient space in fuse box / distribution box
  • Ideally an existing network connection with Ethernet cable or a WLAN network

The CLEMAP Energy Monitor is installed in a fuse box/distribution box. To ensure that the installation is appropriate and measures your selected loads, please feel free to contact us for a consultation.

  • The meter is connected to the CLEMAP Cloud via a WLAN or Ethernet cable connection (see installation instructions).
  • Then the CLEMAP Energy Monitor is activated by means of the information enclosed with the product
  • After activation, the data can be accessed via the CLEMAP Floem portal
Control function

On a project basis, control functions can be implemented via Modbus TCP or digital outputs so that you can control peak powers or specific loads.

Billing and ISO50001

Set up monthly mails for monitoring and allocation of energy costs in the company. Serves as a basis for ISO50001 and energy management activities.


CLEMAP Floem can be ordered on a licence basis.

Number of measuring points per CLEMAP device
General functionalities
Floem Dashboard Access (Online Portal)
Location, status and remote monitoring of the measuring point
Access to consumption data and visualisation
Download CSV files
Create PDF report
Send reports by e-mail
Remote control of relays
Access via REST API
Set energy tariff
Consumption warnings and alarms
Smart Factory functionalities
Individual measuring point statistics & measuring point comparison
Monitoring of several production lines
Productivity module
on request
Energy efficiency module
on request
Condition monitoring module
on request
Smart Building functionalities
Automatic monthly billing email
Self-consumption optimisation (connection of PV systems)
From CHF 460.58 excl. The price includes measuring device, cloud access and access to the portal. From EUR 460.58 excl. The price includes measuring device, cloud access and access to the portal.
Detailed prices on request
Additional functions
  • Setting up tariffs and environmental indicators (CO2 impact) possible
  • If you need a temporary measurement, we are at your disposal.
  • On request, in-house dashboards can be set up to visualise your consumption and you can illustrate it to your customers and employees.

Order standard version

You can order the CLEMAP Energy Monitor 80A, 200A, 400A from our sales partner Otto Fischer obtain.

Order now

Do you have an individual project? Would you like a demo? Get in touch with us!

Especially if you are planning to use the CLEMAP Energy Monitor 1000A, 2000A and 6000A or have a special installation.
We will be happy to advise you!

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